Games that learn us to speak good
If the title of this article doesn’t grate on your nerves you should probably pick up a copy of English Is Fun! A team of Toronto based teachers developed this board game over a five year period to capture the interest of their students. The game uses print, audio, and video to instruct and test in areas such as vocabulary, sentence structure, and even idioms.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve encountered quite a few people here in Oklahoma, most YouTube commenters, and close to half the people on social networks that supposedly speak English as a first language who could benefit from playing this game!
To learn more about what the game entails, and a little of its history just follow the link to an article on Digital Journal.
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Jason’s Random Encounters
Check out the things I randomly find on the internet...
-- NSFW BIG BAD WOLF :One of the strangest things I've seen in a very long time! Well worth the click.
-- Dragon Age: Redemption Episode links and commentary videos! : Felicia Day's new web series based on Dragon Age II. Such a fun web series!
-- Police brutality on Wall Street : Wow! Someone other than the Suicide Girls is actually covering what is happening on Wall Street!
-- Pumped Up Kicks : 70's Robot Dance Guy just went home and cried after seeing this.