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You are suddenly conscious. You are lying on your back and it is very dark. You are so very hungry that you can’t think of anything else. You begin to hear something… Its food! Food just a few feet away! You must claw your way to the food! As you break and claw your way […]
DG Tweets
Jason’s Random Encounters
Check out the things I randomly find on the internet...
-- NSFW BIG BAD WOLF :One of the strangest things I've seen in a very long time! Well worth the click.
-- Dragon Age: Redemption Episode links and commentary videos! : Felicia Day's new web series based on Dragon Age II. Such a fun web series!
-- Police brutality on Wall Street : Wow! Someone other than the Suicide Girls is actually covering what is happening on Wall Street!
-- Pumped Up Kicks : 70's Robot Dance Guy just went home and cried after seeing this.